Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Interesting things about Europe

One interesting thing I have noticed while in Europe is the fact that you have to pay to use the restroom in public areas. Actually, scratch that- it's not a restroom or a bathroom, it's a water closet (WC). Our first experience with the WC was on our way to Munich. Brittany & I to use the WC in the train station. At first we couldn't get it to work because it was broken. But go figure, we didn't know. Apparently there was a sign that said "out of order" but I guess that's what you get when you can't read German! After navigating our way to the other gate we each had to pay ,50 cent to get in the gate to go to the bathroom. Apparently they usually have people or cameras monitoring ot make sure you pay and don't try to cut in line without paying. I guess this is just part of experience that makes it fun! And it certainly was fun-ny, especially at 7 in the morning!

Another thing I have noticed while in Europe is that dogs go EVERYWHERE with people! The first time I noticed this was at the Frankfurt airport where people were just strolling through the terminals with dogs. At first I thought it was a little weird, but I just shook it off. Now I’ve been seeing them everywhere! In the streets, at the train station, etc! And most of the time the dogs are off their leash, but walk along their owners just fine- it’s kind of cool!

The last thing I've noticed about Europeans, and Germans in particular, is that they like to stare. A lot of times when we’re on the train we notice people staring. I’m not sure if it’s because we’re loud or if we’re speaking English, but it seems that everyone is always staring. Even when you pass people on the street, they stare at you. And unlike the US where you make eye contact with someone and they smile at you, Germans just stare. I guess that’s just part of the culture… Hmmm.

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